This Regulation on the protection of personal data of RIBA KIT LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) was developed in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Personal Data” dated 01.06.2010 No. 2297-VI (hereinafter referred to as the Law). Terms and concepts in this Regulation are used in the meaning defined by the Law. In case of disagreement with the terms of this Regulation, the User must immediately stop using the Site.

Definition of terms:

The owner of personal data is an individual or legal entity who determines the purpose of processing personal data, establishes the composition of this data and the procedures for their processing, unless otherwise specified by law.

Consent of the subject of personal data is the voluntary expression of the will of an individual (provided he is informed) regarding the granting of permission to process his personal data in accordance with the established purpose of their processing, expressed in writing or in a form that makes it possible to conclude that consent has been granted.

Depersonalization of personal data is the removal of information that makes it possible to directly or indirectly identify a person.

Processing of personal data is any action or set of actions, such as collection, registration, accumulation, storage, adaptation, modification, renewal, use and distribution, depersonalization, destruction of personal data, including using information (automated) systems.

Personal data – information or a collection of information about an individual who is identified or can be specifically identified.

Subject of personal data is an individual whose personal data is processed.

The operator is the limited liability company “RIBA KIT”.

User is any legally capable individual who uses the services of the Site and provides the Operator with his personal data necessary to use such services.


The Operator assumes that when providing his personal data on the Site, the User:

  • Is a capable person. In case of incapacity, consent to the processing of personal data is provided by the legal representative of the User, who has read and agreed with the terms of the Regulations;
  • Provides reliable information about himself to the extent necessary for the use of the Site and the provision of services by the Operator to the User;
  • Keeps the provided personal data up to date;
  • Gives consent free of charge to the use of his photograph as an image of the User. The User undertakes not to provide photographs of third parties as an image of the User;
  • Realizes that when using the Site, information on the Site posted by the User about himself may become available to other Users of the Site and may be copied and distributed by such Users;
  • I have read these Regulations and express my informed and conscious consent to it.

2.1. Пользователь выражает свое согласие с условиями данного Положения и предоставляет Оператору согласие на обработку его персональных данных:

  • when registering on the Site - for personal data that the User provides to the Operator when filling out the registration form located on the Internet at The user is considered to have given consent to the processing of his personal data by checking the box “I accept the terms of the user agreement and consent to the processing of my personal data” when clicking the “Register” button;
  • when entering/changing personal data in the “My Profile and Programs” and “Settings” sections of the Personal Account - for personal data that the User provides when editing information in the Personal Account. The user is considered to have given consent to the processing of his newly entered or changed personal data at the moment he clicks the “Save” button;
  • when filling out the feedback form - for personal data that the User provides to the Operator when filling out the feedback form located on the Internet at The User is considered to have given consent to the processing of his personal data entered in the fields of the feedback form , at the moment of clicking the “Submit” button;
  • when joining the Operator's team of experts - for personal data that the User provides when filling out the application form located on the Internet at The User is considered to have given consent to the processing of his personal data entered in the application fields at the time clicking the “Submit” button;

2.2. The period during which the User’s consent to the processing of his personal data by the Operator is valid - 10 (ten) years from the day on which the User is considered to have given the operator.


3.1. The subject of personal data has the right:

  • know about the sources of collection, the location of your personal data, the purpose of their processing, the location or place of residence (location) of the owner or manager of personal data or provide the appropriate power of attorney regarding the receipt of this information to persons authorized by him, except in cases established by law;
  • receive information about the conditions for providing access to personal data, in particular information about third parties to whom his personal data is transferred;
  • to access your personal data;
  • receive no later than thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, except in cases provided for by law, a response on whether his personal data is being processed, as well as receive the content of such personal data;
  • submit a reasoned demand to the owner of personal data with an objection to the processing of your personal data;
  • make a reasoned request to change or destroy your personal data by any owner and manager of personal data if such data is processed illegally or is unreliable;
  • to protect your personal data from illegal processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to deliberate concealment, failure to provide or untimely provision, as well as protection from the provision of information that is unreliable or disgraces the honor, dignity and business reputation of an individual;
  • file complaints about the processing of your personal data to the Commissioner of the Supreme Council of Ukraine for Human Rights;
  • apply legal remedies in case of violation of laws on the protection of personal data;
  • provide a warning regarding the limitation of the right to process your personal data at the time of providing consent;
  • withdraw consent to the processing of personal data;
  • know the mechanism for automatic processing of personal data;
  • to be protected from an automated decision that has legal consequences for him.

4.1. Personal data is processed by the Operator solely for the following purposes:

  • Registration of the User on the Site and Site services, providing the User with the opportunity to fully use the Site services;
  • Identification of the User on the Site and Site services;
  • Establishing and maintaining communication between the User and the Operator, consulting on the provision of services;
  • Fulfillment by the Operator of contractual and other obligations to the User under agreements concluded between the Operator and the User (in particular, the User Agreement, offers, other agreements concluded between the User and the Operator on the Operator’s Online Platform, the texts of which are located on the website https://justwork. team/);
  • Sending by the Operator advertising messages to the User's email address; targeting of advertising materials;
  • Posting comments left by the User in official groups on social networks and other communities of the Operator on the Internet;
  • Improving the quality of service for Users and modernizing the Operator’s Website by processing requests and applications from the User;

4.2. Personal data is processed in a form that allows identification of the natural person to whom it relates for no longer than is necessary for the legitimate purposes for which it was collected or subsequently processed.

4.3. If a specific purpose for processing personal data is changed to a new purpose that is incompatible with the previous one, for further processing of data the owner of personal data must obtain the consent of the subject of personal data to process his data in accordance with the changed purpose, unless otherwise provided by law.


5.1. The owner and manager of personal data take measures to ensure the protection of personal data at all stages of their processing, including through organizational and technical measures.

5.2. The protection of personal data provides for measures aimed at preventing accidental loss or destruction, illegal processing, including illegal destruction or access to personal data.

5.3. In order to ensure the security of personal data processing, special technical protection measures are applied, including regarding the exclusion of unauthorized access to personal data that is being processed, and the operation of the technical and software complex with the help of which personal data is processed.


6.1. The Operator reserves the right to make changes to the Regulations. The User is obliged to familiarize himself with the text of the Regulations each time he uses the Site or its services.

6.2. The new version of the Regulations comes into force from the moment it is posted in the appropriate section of the Operator’s Website. Continued use of the Site or its services after the publication of a new version of the Regulations means acceptance of the Regulations and its terms by the User. In case of disagreement with the terms of the Regulations, the User must immediately stop using the Site and its services.


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