Increasing the organic traffic of a jewelry online store

Nikolaevskiy Ihor
Head of E-Commerce
Aurum is a jewelry company
An assortment capable of satisfying the wishes of every customer. Thanks to a detailed selection of products from the best collections of Ukrainian manufacturers, in the "AURUM" network.
E-commerce • Jewelry


monthly organic traffic from search engines


visibility in the TOP-3 search results


monthly income from online sales


The client applied with the task of increasing the organic traffic of the site and bypassing the nearest competitors in terms of this indicator. The case describes the work performed and the results achieved during 5 months of SEO promotion (March - July 2023).


In 5 months of work, it was possible to increase the visibility of the site both for those key queries, which were previously ranked, and for new queries.

During the work, the following promotion priorities were identified:

page quality management. Indexed pages are analyzed for quality and user-friendliness. Hidden “thin content” pages;
optimization of linking. Rethought logic of distribution of internal weight of pages;
expansion of the site structure. In order to cover new key requests, extensive works were carried out to find the lost demand;
elimination of page cannibalization. In the process of SEO promotion of the site, various specialists created pages that duplicate each other's intent. Among such pages, single copies were selected and left;
correct regional setting;
writing and publishing high-quality content on the site;
increasing the reference mass of the project.


As the Google Bot indexes the innovations, the site began to improve its position in the TOP and, as a result, the organic traffic began to increase significantly.

The executor of the project
Denis M.
SEO senior expert · 6 years of experience
"Thank you Denis for the good work. We hope for productive cooperation in the future."
Nikolaevskiy Ihor
Head of E-Commerce

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