Promotion of the service for video production to the English-speaking market

Alex Tahanchin
Founder & Marketer
Ukrainian developer's software for remote video collaboration and creative project management. A tool for animation and video production companies.
Startup • SAAS


increase in organic traffic from search engines


key queries issued by search engines


more keywords in the TOP-3 results of search engines


In terms of its functionality, the product has no analogues in the video production niche. However, there are other large service sites on the market that can cover the needs of users in remote work with projects and videos to varying degrees.

Given the scale of such services, they cannot be considered direct competitors of the startup, but they take a significant share of relevant niche traffic. Under these conditions, we still identified them as competitors, and their target audience as potentially interested in our client's software.

Previously, the client had experience working with another digital agency, but did not get the desired results. In the case study, we will consider the works and results achieved in 6 months (May 2022 - September 2022).


The difficulty of the project was that is a startup, a new tool in the video production market, where services with similar functionality already have their supporters. The structure of these sites has been developed and optimized over the years, so they already have a certain level of trust from both search engines and users.

We started with a technical audit of the site.

The resource worked on CMS WordPress and had no significant technical errors. However, the results of the analysis helped to identify weaknesses and possible growth points.

As part of the project, we:

  • expanded the structure of the site;
  • carried out work on the popularization of the blog;
  • improved page rendering;
  • built up an external referral profile.


During half a year of cooperation with, we managed to achieve the client's main goal - to increase English-language organic traffic in the target regions, and the number of queries for which the site is ranked.

Dynamics by keywords

As a result of the implemented works, the average position of the site in the search has increased.

Source: lookerstudio

Позитивна динаміка сайту була й в Google Search Console: збільшилась кількість переходів на сайт та загальна кількість потраплянь сайту в пошукову видачу Google.

Source: Searh console

The work implemented to increase the link profile contributed to the growth of the domain rating (DR) in 5 months from 28 to 30. This confirms the quality of external links.

Link dynamics and domain ranking
Source: Ahrefs
Link dynamics and domain ranking
Source: Ahrefs

The executor of the project
Andrew K.
SEO senior expert · 11 years of experience
"Thank you Andrii for the good work. We have significantly improved our business performance thanks to Andrii's work."
Alex Tahanchin
Founder & Marketer

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